Monday, March 14, 2011


Title: Make History Come Alive with FLIP video
Your students have been studying the French Imperialism into Egypt during the 1790’s. You assign the following Learning Activity -

Introduction: We have been studying the French Imperialism into Egypt. We have the opportunity to interview Napoleon Bonaparte to find out his reasons for sending troops into Egypt on a non-military expedition of discovery. In teams of 4, you are to create a videotaping of an interview with Napoleon. The final learning project is a 6 to 8 minute video interview of Napoleon responding to questions detailing his motivation, experiences and discoveries during this imperialistic expedition to Egypt in the 1790’s.

Activity Instructions:
1) You will have access to Flip video camcorders for both filming and editing your interview.

2) Each team member will be assigned a role – actor, camera person, interviewer, costume/set designer. As a team, everyone does the necessary research to find out more about this event in history and what Napoleon discovered during this expedition. Based on your research, you should come up with no less than 6 questions for Napoleon to answer in detail.

3) You will tape and edit a short video (8 minutes) of this interview which should include both dialogue and images (music if you wish). Have fun and use your imagination. You will be graded on the following:

Required Elements for Score:        
                                                         Exemplary - 3          Met - 2          Unmet - 2
Level of research & historical details/accuracy

Video/audio quality & editing

Dramatic skills/costumes/props


4) You will have 3 weeks for this project. I must see  both Napoleon's questions/ and responses before you start videotaping.

5) Videos should be stored on YouTube to access via URL for internet access and sharing.

1 comment:

  1. So much fun! Does the instructor assign the student roles, or do the teams negotiate roles?
